ClearGlass Market Positioning Report
ClearGlass Market Positioning & Pricing Analytics compares all of a managers mandates vs all other market mandates held within the ClearGlass CTI data universe in any investment strategy.
This shows market ranges, medians, market contours and identifies key pricing points.
Data shows dispersion in pricing within an investment strategy.
Data shows dispersion in single manager mandate pricing within an investment strategy.
Asset managers access this data to support optimal market pricing decision-making.

Outcome Variance Analytics (OVA)
Includes all mandates for which data is held in all relevant investment strategies. It shows the delta between both median and best quartile ongoing charges identified and expressed in monetary value.
Identifies precise competitive position for a firm at every level.
Data is provided at three levels:
By investment strategy (all of a firm's mandates for which data is held in this strategy).
By client (all of a firm's mandates by client for which data is held in a strategy).
By individual mandate (all of a firm's mandates for which data is held in a strategy).

Competitor Monitoring
A firm can nominate specific competitors in an investment strategy and understand their market position relative to competitors.
Key competitors' mandates in an investment strategy are identified alongside a firm's mandates.
All asset managers with mandates in an investment strategy are ranked by ongoing charges.
This is available for 46 investment strategies.

Value for Money Reporting

Value-for-Money Data Sheets
The Value for Money (VfM) Data Sheet provides a simple, single-sheet report which can be provided to clients to meet Consumer Duty regulatory requirements, or as confirmation of value for money being
delivered to institutional clients.
The Value for Money (VfM) Data Sheet is a standard format template and all reports are generated using the same criteria.
ClearGlass’s value for money calculations are based on its benchmark universe of client specific CTI templates. It is based on investment strategy, the portfolio size, and whether the portfolio is a pooled or segregated mandate. Close attention is paid to all of these factors to ensure like-for-like comparisons.
The ClearGlass benchmarking database includes over 36k CTI templates submitted by 530+ asset managers for over 850 pension schemes, with combined assets in excess of £1.3 trillion.
The reports are generated at the mandate level and can be grouped together for client reporting purposes.
Asset managers decide how to use the reports. Value for Money (VfM) Data Sheets are not mandatory but provide managers with a credible and standard solution for Consumer Duty and institutional client reporting. The reports are independently generated and are therefore credible for clients and regulators.

ClearPass Report
ClearPass is an objective rating framework that assesses each data submission made through the ClearGlass platform by asset managers to their clients.
The ClearPass was developed to help asset managers optimise the efficiency of data provision and enable compliance with the Cost Transparency Initiative (CTI), and to meet the expectations of their clients (and their advisors).

Cost Transparency for Asset Managers
ClearGlass provides Market Positioning Reports to asset managers which enables them to understand their competitive position in an investment strategy and to determine optimal market positioning and pricing.

ClearPass Report
ClearGlass is an independent data analytics company that helps Institutional Asset Owners and their Advisors to assess the Value for Money delivered by Asset Managers.
The UK's Cost Transparency Initiative (CTI) and the Republic of Ireland's Cost Transparency Standard (CTS) are data collection frameworks supported by ClearGlass that provide institutional asset owners and their advisors with cost and performance benchmarking reports that enable them to assess the Value for Money (VfM) delivered by asset managers. It enables asset managers to understand whether they are delivering competitive outcomes and value for money for clients.
ClearGlass has supported over 850 asset owners in the United Kingdom with assets under management (AuM) in excess of £1.3 trillion, providing cost collection and benchmarking analytics for asset owners in 46 investment strategies. This is now being introduced across the EMEA region starting in the Republic of Ireland, Iceland and South Africa with plans to expand throughout EMEA.
In addition, ClearGlass has worked with over 530 asset managers to obtain and verify CTI data on behalf of their clients. ClearGlass provides Market Positioning Reports to asset managers which enables them to understand their competitive position in an investment strategy and to determine optimal market positioning and pricing.