“66% of Asset Managers we are
working with, are in Tier 1”
ClearPass Rating Framework
ClearPass is an objective rating framework that assesses each data submission made through the ClearGlass platform by asset managers to their clients. The ClearPass was developed to help asset managers optimise the efficiency of data provision and enable compliance with the Cost Transparency (CTI/CTS), and to meet the expectations of their clients (and their advisors).
The ClearPass rating framework is a simple quantitative scoring system that measures:
Comprehensiveness of the data delivery
Transparency of costs
Ownership of quality controls with a single point of contact
Client investment identification codes
Means of data delivery
Quality of data delivered
Timely delivery of data
An asset management firm is categorised into one of four tiers based on their average score
How to Achieve a Tier 1 Rating?
Deliver the data by the stated due date (usually 4 weeks after request submitted)
Only use the standard CTI, CTS or machine readable templates and complete all necessary fields
Provide detailed client specific data, not information at fund level
Upload the requested data directly onto the ClearGlass admin panel
Provide mandate or portfolio identifiers e.g. ISIN, LEI, CUSIP
ClearGlass Transparency Icons
The ClearGlass Transparency Icons are granted to asset managers achieving the standard of transparency expected by institutional clients and are fully compliant with CTI/CTS data provision. The ClearGlass Transparency Icons and criteria for being granted each icon are shown below.
Granted to asset managers who achieve ClearPass Tier 1 rating in two consecutive half year time periods
Granted to asset managers who achieve ClearPass Tier 1 rating in two consecutive half year time periods
The Icons are free to use by asset managers who meet the criteria, if you are interested in determining the current rating of an asset manager and a company's eligibility to carry an icon please contact nicola.ellis@clearglass.com for details.
Download here the full ClearPass Guide